Antenatal Programme

Once your pregnancy is confirmed, it is important to begin your prenatal care. Prenatal care is compulsory which involves visiting your doctor regularly during pregnancy. Prenatal care is important as it screens the mothers for any risk factors, prevents complications and provides necessary information and advice to ensure a healthy pregnancy. In addition to seeing your doctor for regular scans and check-ups, you should also sign up and attend an Antenatal class.

Antenatal classes are also called birth and parenting classes, they give parents an opportunity to understand the whole process of pregnancy, birth and early parenting. They also help parents to be prepared to get ready for labour, birth and early parenthood.

By attending Antenatal classes, mothers also get the chance to ask questions, get specific information about their labour and share their pregnancy experiences. Pregnancy awareness with shared experiences will help others in preventing pregnancy-involved complications. The classes can help the mothers to reduce fear, gain confidence and also prepare the parents for a positive birth experience.

Our Antenatal classes are conducted by a group of professional and experienced childbirth educators which consist of Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Consultant Paediatrician, Consultant Anaesthesiologist, Dietitian, Physiotherapist, Lactation Nurse and Midwife.

By attending our Antenatal classes, you will learn about:

  • All aspects of your pregnancy including Changes in pregnancy and signs of labour
  • Nutrition during pregnancy will guide you through steps to optimise body weight during pregnancy and lactation with healthy nutrition
  • Pain control during labour which will provide you with pain relief choices during labour
  • Tour to our Labour and Obstetrics & Gynaecology wards to get yourself familiarised with the layout which can ease your mind with all the unknowns
  • What to prepare and expect when giving birth by knowing what happens during labour and birth it will teach you how to cope when facing them
  • Infant Care, early parenting challenges and immunization
  • Breastfeeding education will give you essential information on how to attach, initiate breastfeeding and maintain lactation
  • Bathing Baby will teach you how to properly and safely wrap, hold and bathe your baby, with the care of umbilical cord in mind
  • Antenatal exercises will teach you practical tips and techniques on relaxation and breathing skills to use during labour which will help you to stay calm, you will also learn about soft tissue manipulation, backache and joint management

"Birth is like a dance", knowing the steps will allow you to relax and accept the sensation, feel the rhythm and confidently move to labour’s natural beat for a beautiful birth experience, so why are you still waiting? Be Hurry! please contact our helpline to get more information about your registration and get yourself registered as soon as possible because our classes are limited seats only as they get booked up very quickly.

Online RegistrationClick Here
Ground Floor Pharmacy24 hours
1st Floor PharmacyMondays - Fridays9 am - 6 pm
 Saturdays9 am - 2 pm
 Sundays & Public HolidaysClosed
Time:10 am - 4 pm
Venue:Resource Centre
7th Floor, Health Screening Centre
Frequency:The classes will be conducted 3 monthly on 2 consecutive Saturdays.
Who Should Attend:This programme is opened to all expectant mothers irrespective of where they wish to deliver their babies.

For more information, kindly contact Patient Education Department

Operating Hours: Mondays - Fridays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
  Saturdays 8:30 am - 12 pm
  Sundays & Public Holidays Closed
Contact: Tel:+604 652 8990
  WhatsApp:+604 652 8690
  Email:[email protected]
Location: Resource Centre
7th Floor, Health Screening Centre

Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

Dr Quah Thong Sai

MMC: 22598 / NSR: 124862

Clinic 138, 1st Floor (O&G)
Operating Theatre Days

Mondays(am) & Thursdays(am)

Dato' Dr S Shankar

MBBS (Madras), Dip OBST RCP (Ire), FRCOG (UK)
MMC: 24965 / NSR: 124861

Clinic 136, 1st Floor (O&G)
Operating Theatre Days

Wednesdays (pm)

Dr Tee Yi Torng

MD (Taiwan), PhD(Taiwan)
MMC: 59357 / NSR: 129672

Clinic 132, 1st Floor (O&G)
Operating Theatre Days

Mondays (pm)

Obstetrics & Gynaecology Night Clinic

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Dr Yegappan Shanmugam

MBBS (Manipal), MRCOG (UK), MRCPI O&G (Ire)
MMC: 45778 / NSR: 138300

Clinic 133, 1st Floor (O&G)
Operating Theatre Days

Thursday (pm)

Obstetrics & Gynaecology Night Clinic

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Dr Tan Shiuan Yee

MD (US M’sia), MOG (UM), Fellowship In Infertility & Reproduction Endocrinology (Taiwan)
MMC: 43805 / NSR: 131422

Room 137, 1st Floor (O&G)
Operating Theatre Days


Paediatricians & Neonatologists
小儿科暨 新生儿科医生

Dr Cheang Hon Kit

MD (Mal), MRCP (UK), M Med (Paeds) (Mal)
MMC : 28766 / NSR: 124440
Clinic P3, 1st Floor (Paediatric Center)

Paediatric Night Clinic

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays:
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Dr Tan Guat Kean, Adele

MBBS (Bombay), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Glasg)
MMC : 20995 / NSR: 124042
Clinic P8, 1st Floor (Paediatric Center)

Dr Cheang Hon Kit

MD (Mal), MRCP (UK), M Med (Paeds) (Mal)
MMC : 28766 / NSR: 124440
Clinic P3, 1st Floor (Paediatric Center)

Paediatric Night Clinic

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays:
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Dr Tan Eng Guan

MBBS (Manipal), MRCPCH (UK), M Med (Paeds) (NUS S'pore), GDip.FP Dermatology (NUS S'pore)
MMC : 34105 / NSR: 125313
Clinic P6, 1st Floor (Paediatric Center)

Paediatric Night Clinic

Tuesdays & Thursdays:
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Dr Lim Ai Tyng

MD (Taiwan)
MMC : 54596 / NSR: 129455
Clinic P7, 1st Floor (Paediatric Center)

Dr Lim Ghim Choon, Karen

MD (Taiwan)
MMC : 53349 / NSR: 129134
Clinic P2, 1st Floor (Paediatric Center)

Dr Khoo Teik Beng

MBBS (UM), M Med (Paeds) (UK M’sia), Fellowship In Paediatric Neurology (Mal)
MMC : 27468 / NSR: 123719
Clinic P5, 1st Floor

Dr Shereen Toh May Yi

MD (USM), MRCPCH (UK), Fellowship in Paediatric Cardiology (M'sia & Aus)
MMC : 41780 / NSR: 133048
Clinic P5, 1st Floor

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141, Jalan Tan Sri Teh Ewe Lim, 11600, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
+604 - 652 8888