Endoscopy Centre

Operating Hours:Mondays - Fridays8 am - 4:30 pm
 Saturdays8 am - 12:30 pm
 Sundays & Public HolidaysClosed
Contact:Tel:    +604 652 8991
Location:4th Floor

The Endoscopy Centre aspires to be the centre of excellence in endoscopy services. The centre is dedicated to provide safe, efficient and finest diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy services.

The Centre provides outpatient and inpatient services for elective and non-elective (emergency) treatment for gastrointestinal and respiratory conditions.

Endoscopic procedures may be performed for diagnostic or therapeutic procedure as listed below:

  • Diagnostic Endoscopy Procedures:
    • Gastroscopy (OGDS)
      This is a procedure that examines the upper part of the digestive system. A long flexible tube is inserted through your mouth to view the inner lining of your oesophagus, stomach and part of your small intestine. The entire procedure takes about 5 to 10 minutes. You may be sedated during the procedure.
    • Colonoscopy
      A flexible tube is inserted through the rectum to examine the inside of the large intestines and it may involve removal of certain lesions such as polyps. The examination usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes to complete. You may be sedated during the procedure.
    • Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
      This procedure is used to diagnose and or treat problems of the gallbladder, biliary system, pancreas and liver by passing a flexible tube through your mouth into your stomach and first part of your small intestine. This procedure uses fluoroscopy to provide real-time x-ray imaging of the structure. You will be sedated during the procedure.
    • Bronchoscopy
      This procedure is performed to examine your lung airways by passing a thin flexible tube through your nose or mouth into the back of your throat to reach the lung airways. Lavage maybe performed or a sample of lung mucus or tissue may be taken for further laboratory investigations. You may be sedated during the procedure.
    • Capsule Endoscopy
      This involves swallowing a small pill like capsule that contains a camera to record images of the small intestine inner lining as it passes through and transmitting the images to a data recorder. Images from the recorder is studied to guide diagnosis and treatment. This will be done without sedation and could be done as out patient procedure.
    • Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)
      EUS is performed using an endoscope attached to an ultrasound transducer. This is a painless, minimally invasive procedure that offers higher sensitivity imaging. It is carried out as a regular endoscopy and sedation is employed throughout.
  • Therapeutic Procedures:
    • Balloon Dilation for Achalasia and GI Tract Stenosis
    • Biliary Metal/Plastic Stenting
    • Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Metal Stenting
    • Cyanoacrylate (Histoacryl Glue) Injection
    • Endoscopic Haemostasis
    • Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR)
    • Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD)
    • Endoscopic Varicel Ligation (EVL)
    • Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG)
    • Polyectomy
  • Other Services:
    • Ambulatory Oesophageal pH Monitoring
    • Oesophageal Manometry


Dato' Dr Yip Kok Thye   拿督叶国泰医生  DSPN, DJN

Medical Superintendent   院长
MD (UK M'sia), FRCS (Edin)
MMC : 24228 / NSR: 124126

Clinic 5, 1st Floor

Operating Theatre Days

Mondays & Thursdays

Mr Osman Yahya   奥士曼医生

MMC : 02224 / NSR: 124123

Clinic 1, 1st Floor

Operating Theatre Days

Tuesdays (pm)

Mr Loke Tien Hsi   陆天锡医生

MMC : 32523 / NSR: 124125

Clinic 2, 1st Floor

Operating Theatre Days

Wednesdays (pm)


Mr Khoo Saye Thiam   邱世添医生

MMC : 29243 / NSR: 124124

Clinic 7, 1st Floor

Operating Theatre Days

Wednesdays (am)

Mr Yong Ngai Yin, Eric   杨毅然医生

MMC : 39454 / NSR: 129540

Clinic 17, 1st Floor

Operating Theatre Days

Tuesdays (pm) & Thursdays (pm)

Dr Teh Ya Loon   郑雅伦医生

MMC : 50296 / NSR: 138064

Clinic P1, 1st Floor

Operating Theatre Days


Dr Yew Chor Giap   尤卓业医生

MMC : 50289 / NSR: 137775

Clinic P9, 1st Floor

Operating Theatre Days


Dr Chan Hock Soon   曾福顺医生

Head of Health Screening Centre
MMC : 25576 / NSR: 123810

Clinic 102, 1st Floor

Dr Fang Li Chen   范丽珍医生

MMC : 60912 / NSR: 139213

Clinic 109, 1st Floor

Dr Chua Chian Sem   蔡俭心医生

MMC : 60745 / NSR: 130116

Clinic 111, 1st Floor

Dr Ronnie Chong Khin Choy   张金财医生

MMC : 27765 / NSR: 124560

Clinic 101, 1st Floor

Dr Sundira Kumar Namasemayam   笋谛拉古玛医生

MMC : 38900 / NSR: 131146

Clinic 101A, 1st Floor

Dr R.Puthashanan Rajamanickam   普达沙南医生

MMC : 43963 / NSR: 135125

Clinic 107, 1st Floor

Dr R.Puthashanan Rajamanickam   普达沙南医生

MMC : 43963 / NSR: 135125

Clinic 107, 1st Floor

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No. 141, Jalan Tan Sri Teh Ewe Lim, Jelutong, 11600, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
+604 - 652 8888