Let us help you navigate the roadmap of your present and future with our Decode Your DNA genetic testing package and get started on your journey to a healthier future today
Your genome, or DNA, contains the necessary information and instructions that helped you develop from a single cell into the person you are today. In essence, it is the operating manual of your body. Being the building block and foundation of what you are, it contains the information genetically coded into you. The letters of your genome combine in different ways to spell out specific instructions. Today, the mysteries held by your genome can be decoded and interpreted via genetic testing.
Learn how to work with your DNA to build a diet and fitness routine.
inclusive of report and consultation with a Health Screening Doctor
747 reportsGet screened for hereditary diseases that may affect your future.
inclusive of report and consultation with a Health Screening Doctor
1,401 reportsHelps you to understand and take control of your risk level of inherited cancers and disease.
inclusive of report and consultation with a Health Screening Doctor
1,824 reportsGenetic testing is a simple process that involves collecting a DNA sample, typically through a buccal swab or blood sampling. The sample is then analysed for information on the individual's genetic makeup and identify any potential health risks.
Genetic testing analyses DNA, RNA or proteins to detect changes or mutations in an individual’s genetic material to confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition, diagnose a genetic disorder or identify carrier status for genetic conditions.
Genetic testing can also determine a person's risk or genetic predisposition of developing certain diseases.
Additionally, you will learn more about your genetic makeup, including ancestry as well as hereditary traits.
You will get information on your genetic makeup, including traits and potential health risks, which can help work out the necessary lifestyle adjustments, diet and nutrition plan according to your genetic profile.
First of all, it is important you find out and understand the potential risks and benefits of the test, as well as its limitations. It is also important to properly read the informed consent form before taking the test.
Through genetic testing, you gain insight into your genetic makeup. Also, being able to potentially identify potential genetic risks enables preventative measures to be taken.
What should patients prepare for an appointment with our trained health screening doctor or genetic counsellor?
You may get more out of your genetic counselling appointment if you gather certain information ahead of time. This may include gathering medical information and records on yourself and your family members and obtaining a list of family members, including current ages or ages of death and cause of death.
Although having this information is helpful to the genetic counsellor or trained doctor, it's not necessary. You should still meet with a genetic counsellor or doctor even if you don't know a lot about your family history.
You may also wish to think about and write down questions or concerns ahead of time so that you can ask during the appointment.